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An adult learner studies at a Pima Adult Learning Center


Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (IBEST) is a nationally recognized instructional model that boosts students’ basic skills in reading, 写作, 数学, 英语, workforce preparation and digital literacy while they pursue a certificate in a career/technical program.  

通过ib, students can enroll in credit classes and work on attaining their career/technical certificate and  their 高中同等学历 at the same time. Those with their high school diplomas are encouraged to join IBEST as well; they too benefit from the additional instructional time, wrap-around support systems, focus on student success skills and team atmosp在这里 that IBEST programs provide.

在皮马的IBEST项目中, basic skills instruction is contextualized into the career/technical content, with Adult Education and technical instructors co-planning and co-teaching. This allows students to achieve education and employment goals faster.  

Students in IBEST programs must meet the same entry requirements established for the PCC certificate program. T在这里 is no additional cost for a student to participate in an IBEST program.

就业机会:  IT prepares learners for the rapidly-expanding field of IT Support, including entry-level employment as Computer Technician, IT专家, 或支持分析师.
Certificate you will earn:  IT Support Technician certificate
下一个开始:  2024年8月
类形态:  Most classes are 面对面
地点:  PCC东校区, 8181 E. 欧文顿路 
日期和时间:  Monday through Thursday daytime
Time to complete/number of credits:  一年,16学分 
For questions, please 电子邮件 pcc-ibest@sociolution.net 
有兴趣了解更多? Sign up to attend a virtual information session 在这里.
就业机会:  甲级车辆司机, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck driver, Light Truck or Delivery Service Driver
Certificate you will earn:  甲级车辆司机 certificate 
Gain the driving skills you need to launch a career as a commercial truck driver. 这个程序, designed for 英语-language learners and learners who want support with reading and study skills, combines 英语 language and basic skills instruction with Truck Driver Training to prepare you for work in the industry. Want to know if you are eligible? 发送一个 电子邮件 pcc-ibest@sociolution.net 
下一个开始:  2024年8月
类形态:  In-person with homework online
地点:  PCC Truck Driver Training/Maintenance and Security, 6680 S. 乡村俱乐部路
日期和时间:  Monday through Thursday evenings
Time to complete/number of credits:  1学期(4个月).5个学分 
 For questions, please 电子邮件 pcc-ibest@sociolution.net 
就业机会:  This is your entry to the healthcare industry, as an MA you could work in a doctor’s office, 诊所, hospital or other related sites. 这个程序 will prepare you to take the exam for your national certification.
Certificate you will earn:  Medical Assistant Certificate
下一个开始:  2025年1月
类形态:  Most classes are 面对面
地点:  PCC沙漠远景校区 5901 S. 圣克鲁斯街
日期和时间:  Monday through Thursday evenings about 5:30-8:30pm and Saturday mornings (2nd and/or 3rd semester)
Time to complete/number of credits:   1 year (3 semesters/28 credits)                                      *This is a full-time program.
For questions, please 电子邮件 pcc-ibest@sociolution.net 
 有兴趣了解更多? Sign up to attend a virtual information session 在这里.
就业机会:  这个程序 will prepare you for high-demand careers running complex automated assembly lines.
Certificate you will earn:  Automated Industrial Technology Level 1 Certificate
下一个开始:  2025年1月
类形态:  Hybrid - meaning that most of your classes will be 面对面 with an outside of class online component.
地点:  PCC市区校区 1255 N. 石大街.
日期和时间:  Monday through Thursday mornings 9:30 am
Time to complete/number of credits:  1 year (3 semesters/16 credits)
 For questions, please 电子邮件 pcc-ibest@sociolution.net 
有兴趣了解更多? Sign up to attend a virtual information session 在这里.

Frequently Asked 问题

什么是IBEST ??
IBEST stands for Integrated Basic Education Skills Training. IBEST provides technical/career training and extra support in addition to traditional college credit certificates.

What is the cost of IBEST?
IBEST provides FREE extra support in instruction, advising and other support services. Standard tuition rates apply to the credit-bearing portion of the class. Most IBEST learners find help in funding their tuition, books and supplies.

How can I receive funding?
IBEST works with grants and community agencies, we will help learners find funding that they’re qualified for. Our most common funding options are: Arizona@Work (一站), 工作路径, FAFSA. Contact us for more information.

Do I qualify for IBEST even if I don’t have a GED®/高中同等学历?
是的. All IBEST programs will take in learners who don’t have a GED®/ HSE. In addition, IBEST will work with you to get your high school equivalency and certification.

W在这里 are the classes held?
Classes are held 面对面 and virtually at the Downtown, Desert Vista and East Campus locations.

Do I qualify for Pell grants if I don’t have a high school diploma?
是的, it is possible once you successfully complete the accuplacer and/or earn 6 credit college hours (with a ‘C’ or better).


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